Advanced Resident Training

CREATE (Continuing Reproductive Education for Advanced Training Efficacy) is a structured advanced training curriculum for third year family medicine residents, or other advanced trainees, planning to provide medication and procedural abortions after residency.


This program addresses the fact that, while most graduates aspire to provide abortion care, many face barriers to providing care post residency.

This application based program offers additional abortion training opportunities, reproductive health and justice curriculum, structured mentorship support, and both advocacy and leadership development that begins to address the obstacles faced by aspiring abortion providers as they make the transition from training to practice.


of residents intend to integrate abortion and miscarriage medication management after residency


of residents plan to advocate for reproductive health and justice post residency


of residents feel competent to provide early abortion services via aspiration abortion

"I learned how to provide respectful, sensitive, and empowering abortion care from exceptionally talented clinicians and support staff. Thanks to my tenacious TEACH mentors, I am better equipped to advocate for reproductive rights and reproductive justice!"


CREATE Program

about the program

The CREATE program offers participating advanced trainees the following opportunities.

CREATE is an application-based program with preference given to residents for whom reproductive health, advocacy, and justice training are strong priorities and who are excited to put in additional time and effort into the curriculum.

Additional abortion training sessions (where available through your residency program).

Practice, train, and gain confidence in medication abortion through seminars and completion of TEACH’s virtual training medication abortion CME course.

Scholarships for abortion training external rotations.

Participation in remote evening didactic seminars related to clinical abortion care, reproductive justice and advocacy.

Mentorship and professional support in your journey as a repro health leader, including participation in the CREATE Advisory Mentorship Network, connecting trainees with abortion provider mentors within the extended TEACH ecosystem.

Participation in an advocacy opportunity including self-directed projects such as setting and fulfilling a stretch goal, and / or participating in a number of TEACH-facilitated advocacy opportunities, in-person or remotely.

Want to Bring Advanced Abortion Training to your Residency Program?

The CREATE program is open to Family Medicine Residency programs in California. We are currently partnering with six California based family medicine residency programs in addition to RHEDI sites in the Pacific Northwest and the Southwest.

If you are a Family Medicine program in CA and are interested in bringing CREATE to your residency, please contact us.

program outline

Workshop sessions are key to the CREATE Advanced Training Curriculum. These sessions cover diverse topics and can be offered in any order. However, we recommend this sequence: first, build a foundation for understanding abortion care; next, provide opportunities to envision career goals before the mid-point of the final residency year; and finally, focus on complication management to ensure skills are fresh for independent practice.

We kindly request that you credit TEACH when using these materials.

Program Overview

Paper form used by program leaders to document resident’s progress and participation in the CREATE program.

Description of the CREATE program and application questions.

Sign-in sheet for evening sessions to keep track of critical resident information, interests, and contact information.

Tips on logistics for facilitating advanced abortion training workshops and seminars.

Use our comprehensive checklist to have a clear timeline of when and how to organize a full program year.

Evaluation forms to help you develop an end of year evaluation that assesses learner satisfaction, competency, and gathers actionable feedback.



Human Rights and Reproductive Justice

The Human Rights and Reproductive Justice session is designed to give context to abortion care within the larger geo-socio-political landscape centering bodily autonomy and community empowerment in abortion provision.

These slides, particularly the slides focused on Reproductive Justice, can provide an introduction to the concept of RJ. While we try to integrate an RJ framework into all of our trainings, TEACH is not an RJ organization and cannot replace the tremendous value and grassroots work that RJ organizations hold.

To host the most effective and valuable Reproductive Justice session in your program, it is best to collaborate with and financially compensate a local or national RJ organization.


In-Clinic and Telemedicine Medication Abortion

The Medication Abortion session provides a comprehensive and interactive didactic and skills-based seminar designed to equip trainees to provide medication abortion independently, in any practice setting.


Becoming an Abortion Provider

The Becoming an Abortion Provider session is designed to feature 4-7 speakers who have successfully integrated comprehensive reproductive health services into practice, allow trainees to ask questions, learn to negotiate, build networks, and begin imagining their own future pathway to incorporating abortion care.

TEACH partners with If / When / How Lawyering for Reproductive Justice in presenting the Self-Managed Abortion and the Law session.

Thanks to If / When / How for their support.

If you would like to run a similar session for the trainees in your program, please reach out to If / When / How.


Self-Managed Abortion
and the Law



The Advocacy and Lobbying session engages residents in physician advocacy. Our toolkit includes resources to prepare residents to engage with the media, write op-eds, advocate within their professional organizations, and to educate their policy makers.

Although aspects of our Advocacy and Lobbying toolkit were developed with the California Legislature process in mind, this session is largely applicable to other advocacy environments. It is intended to make advocacy easy and fun, and to strengthen your skills, as reproductive health experts, to make lasting change across the country.


Complication Simulation

The Complication Simulation session provides didactic education and hands-on skill building in rare procedural abortion complications. This includes hemorrhage, respiratory depression, syncope, and managing common questions and rare complications in medication abortion.

want to bring the create program to your residency?

If you are a Family Medicine program in CA and are interested in bringing CREATE to your residency, please contact us.

TEACH cultivates the next generation of diverse reproductive health champions through abortion training, mentorship and curriculum development.

335 S. Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94103

(415) 500-8122

TEACH is fiscally sponsored by Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports small organizations like ours.

TIN: 95-4116679

© 2024 TEACH. All rights reserved.

Website by lover studio